
VisProject News:
VisProject is born from the experiences achieved with Term_3D and Term_3D/2: since 1992, now it is strongly specialized and flexible.

It is based on four different base Versions, while all the other software instruments and ResourceIn/ResourceOut concepts are compatible at all.

VisProject Versions:
  • VisBase: base version, multi-window, standard interaction
  • VisMp: MultiProject version
  • VisMi: MultiInstance version
  • VisMip: MultiProject MultiInstance version
VisModules software modules and modules family:
  • MIRVisI - generic input interfaces
  • MIRVisO - generic Output interfaces
  • MIRcVisI - Third Party Software/Hardware Customized Input interfaces
  • MIRcVisO - Third Party Software/Hardware Customized Output interfaces
  • MCVis - 3D reconstruction modules
  • MIDVisI - data format interpreter modules
  • MIDVisO - data translation modules
  • MA2Vis - 3D world interaction advanced modules
  • MPIVis - VisProject and Virtual World interaction modules
  • OpenGLVis - full OpenGL interpreter

The modularity let the user to choose exactly what needed, without efforting high costs.