National Instruments
AT-DIO-32F: |
NI AT-DIO-32F is a board
for digital I/O used to test three different topics: |
Here we found that NI-DAQ is a library used to
configure and access the number of National Instruments
boards. Vis has not used LabVIEW to visualize
alphanumeric data because it can also have its
own text windows. Vis has used NI-DAQ.
- Direct access
to the boards registers:
In this case VisProject is not using any
software by National Instruments.
- FileMapping
to interface LabVIEW's VI:
FileMapping is a technology usually known as "sharing
memory". LabVIEW is connected to VisProject
through a DLL from VisModules
- DDE to
interface Vis to LabVIEW:
LabVIEW with its VI opens a DDE server
and Vis opens a DDE client: data
coming to the I/O lines is totally handled by
LabVIEW's Virtual Instruments.
- Direct access
to the boards registers:
In this case VisProject is not using any
software by National Instruments.